Looking for a private nanny, tutor, childcarer

The right solution

If you want a real solu­ti­on for your fami­ly life, you will soon noti­ce that only the real­ly good ones do a good job here. We place top per­son­nel in pri­va­te house­holds. Our nan­nies are qua­li­fied, expe­ri­en­ced, con­fi­dent and empathetic.

Our dome­stic staff is orga­ni­zed, relia­ble and con­sci­en­tious. If you want only the best for your fami­ly, then you are right with us. Do as with many things in life — fol­low your intuition.

Environment. A topic goes around the world.

Environment. A topic goes around the world.

It seems unavo­ida­ble and important to give the topic of the envi­ron­ment a spe­cial sta­tus. In order to be able to imple­ment this, tho­se respon­si­ble should deal with the topic intensively.

That means the fami­ly, the par­ents and the nanny. To form an opi­ni­on, to acqui­re know­ledge, facts and argu­ments. To deal with the topic so that one is up to date with cur­rent knowledge.

Take time together

Shape time individually.

If you look at the real ’net time’ that you spend tog­e­ther and enga­ge with each other, you will quick­ly noti­ce that it is not so much.

The true ’net time’ of tog­e­ther­ness is much less than one might think. That is why it is beco­ming more and more pre­cious. Becau­se it is beco­ming incre­asing­ly rare. Peo­p­le invest addi­tio­nal time in self-optimization.

Many want to carry responsibility, but only a few can.

About the right understanding of responsibility

Respon­si­bi­li­ty means abo­ve all being ful­ly awa­re of the con­se­quen­ces of a decis­i­on. It is high on the wish list of many peo­p­le. But if the con­se­quen­ces affect you, then respon­si­bi­li­ty is not far off. In most cases, respon­si­bi­li­ty is also con­fu­sed with power. Many peo­p­le demand more respon­si­bi­li­ty, but they actual­ly mean power …

The culture which surrounds us is created by our way of living.

Good standards take us high.

The word cul­tu­re is much more com­pre­hen­si­ve than many peo­p­le can ima­gi­ne. Cul­tu­re also descri­bes the level of how we tre­at our­sel­ves and the peo­p­le around us. The level sets a stan­dard of man­ners that many peo­p­le can­not get over. And that is a good thing, other­wi­se it would­n’t be a level.

Money is not everything, but without money everything is nothing.

More health and money, more app­re­cia­ti­on and reco­gni­ti­on, more pro­s­pects and oppor­tu­ni­ties, more money, more respon­si­bi­li­ty, more free­dom and beau­ty, more hap­pi­ness and satis­fac­tion, more holi­days and time …

We all live with con­stant­ly com­pen­sa­ting for emo­tio­nal and per­cei­ved grie­van­ces. We want more. Much more. But …

in a world you can be anyting be kind.

The discussions about respect, decency and values never stop.

The­re is always the sus­pi­ci­on that the young do not respect the atti­tu­de and values of the old. This sounds para­do­xi­cal. Becau­se the young live out the values that the old have exem­pli­fied. So the gene­ra­tio­nal reproach is always direc­ted at tho­se who rai­se it. It’s like the forest: what you call in, sounds out again.

That is why it is important not to talk about ever­y­thing all the time, but to live it out as a mat­ter of course.

Children usually don't become like their parents.

Children usually don’t become like their parents.

This means that the talents of par­ents are not inhe­ri­ted 1:1, but what is trans­mit­ted is what par­ents exem­pli­fy. Child­ren are very good obser­vers. And copy­cats. Quick­ly they find out for what you get prai­se, reco­gni­ti­on and admiration.

The reac­tion is just as vio­lent if the­se forms of app­re­cia­ti­on are absent. This is why it is so important …

Bewegung für alle und warum sie so wichtig ist.

Don’t stop.

One of the pil­lars of per­so­na­li­ty deve­lo­p­ment is exer­cise and sport. The­re are many reasons for this. Child­ren who can keep up with sports are bet­ter off in terms of social accep­tance. In addi­ti­on, sport­ing suc­cess has a fun­da­men­tal­ly posi­ti­ve effect on self-esteem. Skill and agi­li­ty are pro­mo­ted through sport and exer­cise. This is why it is so important to gent­ly intro­du­ce child­ren to sports. Becau­se if the expec­ta­ti­ons of the envi­ron­ment are cle­ar­ly too high, this can quick­ly turn into the exact opposite.

Nanny placement in private haousehold. Germany and international.

Nanny aboard!

Some­ti­mes the world out the­re can be pret­ty stor­my. How quick­ly a gent­le bree­ze can turn into a seve­re storm. And befo­re you know it, you’­re in the eye of a hurricane.

If you’­re not sta­ble now and don’t have a team you can rely on, you could start to lurch and, at worst, capsize…

Discretion and security

In con­trast to many of our com­pe­ti­tors, we have no inte­rest whatsoe­ver in com­mu­ni­ca­ting refe­ren­ces in public. We also reject public appearan­ces as far as pos­si­ble in order to pro­tect the inte­rests of all.

This form of serious­ness and dis­cre­ti­on only seems sur­pri­sing in media times of maxi­mum public pre­sen­ta­ti­on, but makes gre­at sen­se at second glan­ce. It is the best-kept secret of our gre­at success…

Nanny agency, nanny placement and placement of other household and domestic private staff in Germany and international.

The world keeps turning. We want to be in first row.

To ensu­re that our nan­nies and we keep up with the times, we con­stant­ly keep our­sel­ves infor­med about the latest deve­lo­p­ments in the fields of edu­ca­ti­on, psy­cho­lo­gy, medi­ci­ne, edu­ca­ti­on and health poli­cy and the media.

But becau­se ’new’ does not always mean ‘bet­ter’, we check this infor­ma­ti­on until we are sure that some­thing ’new’ and ‘dif­fe­rent’ is real­ly better.

Rules may be questioned.

The ori­gi­nal defi­ni­ti­on of the fami­ly has chan­ged. Start­ing from the desi­re for a per­pe­tu­al part­ner­ship, the­re are num­e­rous varia­ti­ons. In your own envi­ron­ment and in cont­act with other fami­lies, you will soon noti­ce that patch­work fami­lies are no lon­ger the excep­ti­on. What used to be view­ed cri­ti­cal­ly as a stran­ge vari­ant of a part­ner­ship is now often part of normality.

N4YK – Placement of household staff

Reading to children is so incredibly valuable.

Rea­ding aloud has a magi­cal effect on the unfol­ding and deve­lo­p­ment of child­ren. Not­hing sti­mu­la­tes the ima­gi­na­ti­on more than sto­ries that are read aloud. The child crea­tes his or her own pic­tures of ever­y­thing told wit­hout rea­li­zing it. This important deve­lo­p­men­tal pro­cess is pre­ven­ted by media consumption.

N4YK – Vermittlung von qualifiziertem Hauspersonal

A family today is often composed differently than expected.

The ori­gi­nal defi­ni­ti­on of the fami­ly has chan­ged. Start­ing from the desi­re for a per­pe­tu­al part­ner­ship, the­re are num­e­rous varia­ti­ons. In your own envi­ron­ment and in cont­act with other fami­lies, you will soon noti­ce that patch­work fami­lies are no lon­ger the excep­ti­on. What used to be view­ed cri­ti­cal­ly as a stran­ge vari­ant of a part­ner­ship is now often part of normality.

The most important friendships often begin in childhood.

The­se are so valuable becau­se they are still com­ple­te­ly unaf­fec­ted by ever­y­thing that often plays an important role in the adult world: Bene­fit — what do I get out of my rela­ti­onship with a par­ti­cu­lar person?
Child­ren make fri­ends becau­se they are on the same wave­length with ano­ther child. Becau­se they give and recei­ve app­re­cia­ti­on, atten­ti­on and empa­thy. Fri­end­ship in the true sen­se of the word is a clo­se moral bond.

The next big thing.

The what, when, how and how much has chan­ged dra­ma­ti­cal­ly in recent years. Good nut­ri­ti­on is incre­asing­ly beco­ming a sta­tus sym­bol. The importance of healt­hy nut­ri­ti­on is gro­wing and gro­wing. What peo­p­le con­su­me is incre­asing­ly being scru­ti­ni­zed. The effects on well-being through nut­ri­ti­on are beco­ming more and more evident.

Childcare and Childeducation today. Family in balance.

What does that mean?

In the past, ever­y­thing was sup­po­sed to be bet­ter. Which in turn means that today ever­y­thing must be worse. That’s of cour­se com­ple­te non­sen­se. If you want to make it easy for yours­elf, you can always refer to such swee­ping state­ments. We do not do that. Quite the oppo­si­te. We are con­vin­ced that the­re is also much that can be done bet­ter today. You just have to do it. Three gene­ra­ti­ons used to live under one roof.

More infor­ma­ti­on