Nanny agency, nanny placement and placement of other household and domestic private staff in Germany and international.

The world keeps spinning around. We don’t want to run behind.

To ensu­re that our nan­nies keep up with the times — and that means with deve­lo­p­ments — we con­stant­ly keep our­sel­ves infor­med about the latest deve­lo­p­ments in the fields of edu­ca­ti­on, psy­cho­lo­gy, medi­ci­ne, edu­ca­ti­on and health poli­cy and the media.

But becau­se ’new’ does not always mean ‘bet­ter’, we check this infor­ma­ti­on until we are sure that some­thing ’new’ and ‘dif­fe­rent’ is real­ly bet­ter. Pri­ma­ri­ly for the peo­p­le we are tal­king about: the child­ren. If this is the case, we com­mu­ni­ca­te this to our nan­nies quick­ly and directly.

This web­site is just one way to keep up with the times. In addi­ti­on to the direct expe­ri­ence in the fami­ly, we also keep our nan­nies up to date with our offers at the aca­de­my. We are in a lively exch­an­ge with our nan­nies, so we can expe­ri­ence direct­ly when requi­re­ments in the home envi­ron­ment and in the fami­lies chan­ge. We respond to this with a wide ran­ge of fur­ther trai­ning courses.

It is important to us that our nan­nies attend the semi­nars of our aca­demy and thus con­ti­nue their trai­ning on a regu­lar basis. Becau­se the world keeps on turning.

about the N4YK agency

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