Looking for a private nanny, tutor, childcarer

In search of the right solution.

If you want a real solu­ti­on for your fami­ly life, you will soon noti­ce that only the real­ly good ones do a good job here. We place top per­son­nel in pri­va­te house­holds. Our nan­nies are qua­li­fied, expe­ri­en­ced, con­fi­dent and empa­the­tic. Our dome­stic staff is orga­ni­zed, relia­ble and con­sci­en­tious. If you want only the best for your fami­ly, then you are right with us.

Do as with many things in life — fol­low your intui­ti­on. If you have a good fee­ling, then this is the right way. Call us and find out. We have an open ear and bring enough time. Becau­se we always have the fami­ly hap­pi­ness in mind.

N4YK — Your first nanny

The first nanny is a very spe­cial nanny — for the first time par­ents ent­rust their child to a stran­ger. Befo­re the birth, many mothers plan to return to work as soon as pos­si­ble and have their child loo­ked after by a nanny. But when the time comes, many women find it dif­fi­cult to let go of the child.
The­r­e­fo­re the choice of the first nanny should be made very careful­ly. Befo­re a mother can lea­ve her child to a nanny, a high degree of trust must be established.
The first nanny should the­r­e­fo­re be an expe­ri­en­ced nanny, a nanny who can give the mother the secu­ri­ty that her child is in the best hands with her, that not­hing is miss­ing, that she can devo­te hers­elf to her job and knows that the child is well cared for. 

She should be empa­the­tic and know how a mother feels in this situa­ti­on. Despi­te the absence of the mother, the rela­ti­onship bet­ween mother and child should be streng­the­ned so that fee­lings of guilt don’t stand a chance.
She should be a self-con­fi­dent and relia­ble nanny who can deal with jea­lou­sy and fears, who acts cor­rect­ly even in unfo­re­seen situa­tions and makes the right decis­i­ons even in emer­gen­cy situations.

What can we do for your family happiness?



    Mate­r­ni­ty nurse

    Fami­ly management

    Hous­hold staff

    Per­so­nal assistant

    Seni­or care

    Plea­se cont­act me directly

    Data pro­tec­tion: We tre­at every inquiry as strict­ly con­fi­den­ti­al. We pro­cess and store your data only for the pur­po­se of being able to make you a per­so­nal offer. You can request us to dele­te your data at any time.

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