Love what you do and do what you love.

Berufe mit Kindern

The­re are many pro­fes­si­ons that deal with child­ren: Mid­wi­fe, mate­r­ni­ty care, phy­sio­the­ra­py, health and pedia­tric nur­sing, edu­ca­tors, occu­pa­tio­nal the­ra­py, speech the­ra­py, child care, youth and home edu­ca­ti­on, cura­ti­ve edu­ca­ti­on, kin­der­gar­ten tea­cher, pri­ma­ry school tea­cher and other dual cour­ses of stu­dy such as tea­cher, health care, social work, speech the­ra­py, health manage­ment up to the stu­dy of child­hood edu­ca­ti­on or child and youth medicine.

All the­se pro­fes­si­ons are con­cer­ned with child­ren. From dif­fe­rent perspectives.

So if you have the dream of a care­er with child­ren, you will sure­ly find the right one accor­ding to your wis­hes, abili­ties and strengths. What is noti­ceable, if you cont­act the known cont­act points for infor­ma­ti­on, is that the pro­fes­si­on of nan­ny does not appear. What is the reason for this?

The expl­ana­ti­on is based on two aspects. All the lis­ted pro­fes­si­ons fall under the aspect of “social pro­fes­si­ons”. Behind this for­mu­la­ti­on hides a not so nice cir­cum­s­tance. Here humans are deman­ded very much. Whoe­ver choo­ses a social pro­fes­si­on goes emo­tio­nal­ly and huma­nely to the limits of resi­li­ence every day and recei­ves rela­tively litt­le sala­ry in return. And — what seems even worse — just as rare­ly appreciation.

If you can see bey­ond all this and still want to pur­sue the “social pro­fes­si­on”, a socie­ty sim­ply has to thank you. We have a gre­at under­stan­ding for the­se peo­p­le and their pas­si­on and dedi­ca­ti­on to put all this asi­de and dedi­ca­te so much love to the child­ren. This is an out­stan­ding life achie­ve­ment that can­not be app­re­cia­ted enough. But the­re is a light at the end of the tun­nel. The chan­ge of pro­fes­si­on to nan­ny (m/f/d) or fami­ly mana­ger (m/f/d). Becau­se here you usual­ly expe­ri­ence the app­re­cia­ti­on that this pro­fes­si­on has ear­ned. In human reco­gni­ti­on and admi­ra­ti­on up to an appro­pria­te salary.

One of the many reasons why it is wort­hwhile to move into the pri­va­te house­hold as a nan­ny or fami­ly mana­ger now. Now the dream job real­ly beco­mes a dream job. A voca­ti­on with Kindern.n cour­ses of stu­dies such as tea­cher, health care, social work, speech the­ra­py, health manage­ment up to the stu­dy of child­hood pedago­gy or child and youth medicine.

All the­se pro­fes­si­ons are con­cer­ned with child­ren. From dif­fe­rent perspectives.

So if you have the dream of a care­er with child­ren, you will sure­ly find the right one accor­ding to your wis­hes, abili­ties and strengths. What is noti­ceable, if you cont­act the known cont­act points for infor­ma­ti­on, is that the pro­fes­si­on of nan­ny does not appear. What is the reason for this?

Die Agentur N4YK

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