english speaker
wanted to
lake Starnberg

For a young fami­ly in Starn­berg, we are loo­king for a dedi­ca­ted and relia­ble nan­ny or fami­ly mana­ger for 30 hours a week, nati­ve Eng­lish-spea­king in a live-out position. This role is ide­al for someone who enjoys sup­port­ing a fami­ly in their dai­ly life and ensu­ring smooth ope­ra­ti­ons. The working hours amount to 30 hours per week, ide­al­ly for the long term. The work­day beg­ins bet­ween 10 AM and 12 PM, and ends bet­ween 6 PM and 7 PM. The fami­ly con­sists of six mem­bers: the par­ents and three child­ren aged 1, 3, and 5 years and a small dog.
Your respon­si­bi­li­ties will include picking up the child­ren from day­ca­re with a car, which can be pro­vi­ded, as well as pro­vi­ding edu­ca­tio­nal sup­port and enga­ge­ment in pro­per eng­lish in the after­noon and evening until the par­ents return home. In the mor­ning, you will take care of house­hold tasks such as gro­cery shop­ping (as well as online shop­ping), pre­pa­ring small meals and din­ner, unloa­ding the dish­wa­sher, iro­ning and fol­ding laun­dry, vacu­um­ing, etc.
We are loo­king for a fri­end­ly and relia­ble indi­vi­du­al with expe­ri­ence in hand­ling child­ren and the abili­ty to work inde­pendent­ly and in an orga­ni­zed man­ner. We offer a long-term position in a nice fami­ly. You can expect a plea­sant working envi­ron­ment in a beau­tiful area near Lake Starn­berg. Accom­pany­ing the fami­ly on trips is not required.

Chif­fre Nr. 1660
March 25
30 to 32 hours
dri­ver license
Nan­ny or Fami­ly manager
nati­ve eng­lish speaker
relia­ble and organized