Nanny an den Starnberger See gesucht.

Starnberger See:
life at the lake

We are loo­king for a full-time expe­ri­en­ced eng­lish mother ton­gue nan­ny from Sep­tem­ber 2021 onwards for a fami­ly in Tutz­ing, Lake Starn­berg – 30 min away from down-town Munich by train. You are a trai­ned nan­ny with seve­ral years of expe­ri­ence and have refe­ren­ces from simi­lar pri­va­te households.

You will be respon­si­ble for the nur­tu­re and loving care of a six-month-old girl. The working hours will initi­al­ly be main­ly in the mor­ning, start­ing in the ear­ly mor­ning hours. The mother is pri­ma­ri­ly at home working most­ly out of home office. Howe­ver, as the dai­ly sche­du­le varies depen­ding on the mother’s job-rela­ted requi­re­ments, you should bring fle­xi­bi­li­ty with regards to working hours spread throug­hout the day. Addi­tio­nal house­hold sup­port for clea­ning is employ­ed, but all house­hold acti­vi­ties rela­ted to child­ca­re will be in your responsibility.
Desi­red start date is Sep­tem­ber 1st 2021, but a slight­ly later start is also pos­si­ble. The position ent­ails 35 to 40 hours a week. A sepa­ra­te and ful­ly fur­nis­hed 60 sqm apart­ment in the same house is offe­red — pri­va­cy is gua­ran­teed by a sepa­ra­te entrance.

Refe­rence No. 1228
Sep­tem­ber 2021
Expe­ri­ence and refe­ren­ces from simi­lar posi­ti­ons required
seni­or or high pro­fi­le nanny
full­time, live-in
driver’s licen­se and good dri­ving experience
eng­lish native