Hannover, Kassel, Niedersachsen: Vermittlung von Nannies, Maternity Nurses und weiterem qualifiziertem Hauspersonal in den Privathaushalt. Deutschlandweit und international. N4YK – Agentur für Familienglück.

Find your dream job
with children
in Niedersachsen

Private household staff wanted in Niedersachsen, Hannover, Braunschweig, Wolfsburg, Hildesheim, Salzgitter, Minden, Bielefeld, Celle, Osnabrück, Münster, Paderborn.

Modern house­holds and fami­lies are incre­asing­ly led, orga­ni­zed and mana­ged like good inno­va­ti­ve fami­ly busi­nesses. Top qua­li­fied and expe­ri­en­ced per­son­nel must be found whe­re they are urgen­tly nee­ded in order to enjoy a high qua­li­ty of life. Dis­creet, loy­al, relia­ble and fle­xi­ble, the­se peo­p­le may also be. Becau­se ever­y­thing that brings time and crea­tes space is pre­cious for ones­elf and the fami­ly. Living tog­e­ther in a pri­va­te envi­ron­ment is the most important oasis for rela­xa­ti­on, refue­ling and rege­ne­ra­ti­on. The home should be both the cent­re of life and a place of retre­at. You need staff to keep your back free.
This is only pos­si­ble by set­ting prio­ri­ties. By dele­ga­ting the things of ever­y­day life in such a way that they don’t get stuck on you. And cost you valuable time and ste­al ener­gy. Moreo­ver, pro­fes­sio­nals often do things even bet­ter and with passion.
That’s why more and more peo­p­le are inves­t­ing in pro­fes­sio­nal and empa­the­tic dome­stic staff: Nannies, Mate­r­ni­ty Nur­ses, Night Nannies, House­kee­pers, Fami­ly Mana­gers, Per­so­nal Assis­tance / PA and Seni­or Assistance.
An invest­ment that pays off very well. So not­hing stands in the way of fami­ly hap­pi­ness, becau­se ever­y­thing that comes up is done. And you can devo­te yours­elf com­ple­te­ly to what real­ly makes you hap­py and con­tent — the family.
N4YK — Agen­cy for fami­ly hap­pi­ness. We will find sui­ta­ble dome­stic staff for you: Nan­ny, Nannies, Mate­r­ni­ty Nur­ses, Night Nannies, Mate­r­ni­ty Nan­ny, Fami­ly mana­ger, Per­so­nal Assistant, Seni­or Assistant, Pri­va­te Staff, House­kee­per, PA wan­ted in Lower Sax­o­ny, Han­no­ver, Braun­schweig, Wolfs­burg, Hil­des­heim, Salz­git­ter, Min­den, Bie­le­feld, Cel­le, Osna­brück, Müns­ter, Paderborn.

Dis­cre­ti­on and loyal­ty desired
fami­ly mana­ger, Per­so­nal Assistant, Seni­or Assistant, Pri­va­te Staff, House­kee­per, PA
live-out, live-in
Expe­ri­ence and refe­ren­ces desired
Ger­man, English