englischsprachige Nanny für den gehobenen Privathaushalt gesucht

Chiffre 1161: British Maternity Nurse free for new job

Dear par­ents,
cul­tu­ral­ly I should have been born In Germany/Austria, but ins­tead I drew the Bri­tish straw, I have sin­ce tur­ned this to my advan­ta­ge by coming to ger­ma­ny 🇩🇪 Aus­tria 🇦🇹, (pri­or to brexit) on num­e­rous occa­si­ons. What is not to like?
The warmth and con­side­ra­ti­on I have had shown to me by the peo­p­le has been most hear­tening, added to the fact of the effi­ci­en­cy and cle­an­li­ne­ss of the count­ries, which seems not to exist in too many places.

Not only can I give your new­born tre­asu­re a good start in life, but with older child­ren the­re is the added asset of EMT, which par­ents like me to inter­act with older child­ren in terms of lan­guage, bedti­me rea­ding in Eng­lish plus time with them spent chatting.

I have an MNT qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on (89%) and 15 years expe­ri­ence, (25 new­borns in total), pre­ce­ded by 10 years as a nanny. Also a clutch of checkable refe­ren­ces. I have a paed­ia­tric first aid cer­ti­fi­ca­te, and Up to date DBS (poli­ce check UK).

If you think that this would work for your fami­ly, plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to get in touch with any ques­ti­ons you might have. I look for­ward to hea­ring from all of you.

MNT qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on
janu­ary 2024
15 years of experience
15 years experience
Mate­r­ni­ty Nur­se 24/6
Paed­ia­tric first aid certificate 

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