What can we do for your family happiness?

If you are loo­king for a nanny, mate­r­ni­ty nur­se or house staff such as fami­ly mana­ger, house­kee­per, per­so­nal assistant or seni­or assis­tance, plea­se enter your cont­act details here. Plea­se also note the box num­ber if you are inte­res­ted in a spe­ci­fic per­son from the pool of appli­cants. We look for­ward to recei­ving your inquiry — also by pho­ne at +49 8158 907 36 37



    Mate­r­ni­ty nurse

    Fami­ly management

    Hous­hold staff

    Per­so­nal assistant

    Seni­or care

    Plea­se cont­act me directly

    Data pro­tec­tion: We tre­at every inquiry as strict­ly con­fi­den­ti­al. We pro­cess and store your data only for the pur­po­se of being able to make you a per­so­nal offer. You can request us to dele­te your data at any time.