qualified nannies, governesses and educators for private households

The perfect match.

N4YK Nan­nies are trai­ned as edu­ca­tors, child carers, tea­chers or pedia­tric nur­ses with addi­tio­nal skills such as for­eign lan­guage skills, expe­ri­ence abroad, musi­cal edu­ca­ti­on, artis­tic talent, enthu­si­asm for sports or others.

The tasks of a nanny are divi­ded bet­ween rai­sing child­ren — age-appro­pria­te and indi­vi­du­al sup­port and demand — and light house­hold acti­vi­ties such as shop­ping, food pre­pa­ra­ti­on, laun­dry care, dri­ving and mes­sen­ger ser­vices around the child­ren (max. 30%).

More exten­si­ve house­work and clea­ning are not part of a nanny’s duties and are cover­ed by the fami­ly mana­ger or house­kee­per.

The differences between nannies

Junior nanny

A junior nanny is a care­er star­ter or late­ral ent­rant (e.g. coming from a public insti­tu­ti­on — kin­der­gar­ten, pri­ma­ry school …) and ear­ns bet­ween 2,500 and 3,500 euros gross.

Senior nanny

A seni­or Nanny has many years of expe­ri­ence inclu­ding the best refe­ren­ces from pri­va­te house­holds. She also has other qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons, a high degree of fle­xi­bi­li­ty and ear­ns bet­ween 3,500 and 4,500 euros.

High profile nanny

A high pro­fi­le nanny is high­ly qua­li­fied and has many years of expe­ri­ence from part­ly ups­ca­le house­holds inclu­ding excel­lent refe­ren­ces. She offers a high degree of fle­xi­bi­li­ty, dis­cre­ti­on, sen­si­ti­vi­ty and avai­la­bi­li­ty. Fur­ther­mo­re, she has gai­ned suf­fi­ci­ent expe­ri­ence abroad and is con­fi­dent in inter­na­tio­nal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on skills (Eng­lish). She ear­ns from about 4.500 Euro +++ gross.

Employment of a nanny

The child sen­ses very cle­ar­ly what the rela­ti­onship bet­ween par­ents and nanny is like and will deve­lop best in an accep­tingly loving environment.
A pro­fes­sio­nal nanny will con­ti­nuous­ly inform the par­ents about the deve­lo­p­men­tal sta­tus of their child and point out any exis­ting defi­ci­ts and spe­cial fea­tures to the par­ents. Kee­ping a Nanny Dia­ry has beco­me stan­dard for many pro­fes­sio­nal nan­nies. This way even working par­ents are always kept up to date and do not have to worry about miss­ing a deve­lo­p­men­tal step of their child. In addi­ti­on, the Nanny Dia­ry is a las­ting memo­ry for later and makes it easier for a sub­se­quent nanny to take over dai­ly rou­ti­nes and che­ris­hed rituals.

What can we do for your family happiness?



    Mate­r­ni­ty nurse

    Fami­ly management

    Hous­hold staff

    Per­so­nal assistant

    Seni­or care

    Plea­se cont­act me directly