Jetzt Nanny buchen

The best start you can have.

N4YK mate­r­ni­ty nur­ses are trai­ned as pedia­tric nur­ses, mid­wi­ves or mate­r­ni­ty prac­ti­tio­ners. N4YK Mate­r­ni­ty Nan­nies are nan­nies with spe­cial trai­ning in the field of infant care (e.g. N4YK Nanny Academy).

A mate­r­ni­ty nur­se spe­cia­li­ses in caring for the new­born and the mother from the moment the mother and child lea­ve the cli­nic to the point whe­re the par­ents have found a con­fi­dent way to hand­le the baby at home and the initi­al inse­cu­ri­ties and fears have disappeared.

A mate­r­ni­ty nur­se works on an inde­pen­dent basis, i.e. she bills for the care provided.

More exten­si­ve house/cleaning work is not part of the duties of a mate­r­ni­ty nur­se and is cover­ed by the house­kee­per and/or fami­ly manager.

Booking details

Booking period

The boo­king peri­od of a Mate­r­ni­ty Nur­se or a Night Nur­se is usual­ly bet­ween 4 and 12 weeks. This cor­re­sponds in some ways to the mate­r­ni­ty lea­ve of the mother.

Booking times

A mate­r­ni­ty nur­se is boo­ked for eit­her a 24-hour on-call duty or a 12-hour on-call duty.
This so-cal­led night nur­se usual­ly works from 7 pm in the evening until 7 am in the morning.

Daily rates

Depen­ding on expe­ri­ence and qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons, the dai­ly rates vary bet­ween 300 and 500 euros for a 24-hour on-call duty or bet­ween 200 and 400 euros for a 12-hour on-call duty.

What can we do for your family happiness?



    Mate­r­ni­ty nurse

    Fami­ly management

    Hous­hold staff

    Per­so­nal assistant

    Seni­or care

    Plea­se cont­act me directly