Jetzt Nanny buchen

Not all battles need to be won, but all hearts.

Fami­ly mana­gers usual­ly have a pedago­gi­cal trai­ning and also like to work in the house­hold or mana­ge a fami­ly. In many fami­lies with older child­ren a clas­si­cal nanny is not real­ly working to full capa­ci­ty becau­se the child­ren are at school or kin­der­gar­ten for a long time.

The fami­ly mana­ger com­bi­nes child­ca­re and house­hold acti­vi­ties about 50:50. She mana­ges the house­hold in the mor­nings, does the shop­ping, cooks for the fami­ly, tidies up, does the laun­dry or iro­ning. When the child­ren come home from school in the after­noon, the fami­ly mana­ger main­ly looks after the child­ren. She looks after the home­work, orga­ni­zes appoint­ments, dri­ves the child­ren to hob­bies and after­noon activities.

Many fami­lies also dele­ga­te the pure clea­ning acti­vi­ties to a clea­ner who does the basic clea­ning at least once a week.

The sala­ry levels vary depen­ding on qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on, expe­ri­ence and regi­on bet­ween approx. 3,000 to 4,500 euros gross in full-time employment.

More exten­si­ve house­work is not part of the duties of a fami­ly mana­ger and is cover­ed by the housekeeper.

What can we do for your family happiness?



    Mate­r­ni­ty nurse

    Fami­ly management

    Hous­hold staff

    Per­so­nal assistant

    Seni­or care

    Plea­se cont­act me directly