hig profil safety workshop
DO THE RIGHT THING – Clo­se safe­ty gaps as a high pro­fi­le nanny
This inten­si­ve nan­ny safe­ty trai­ning will sen­si­ti­ze you to the spe­cial requi­re­ments of expo­sed fami­lies and pro­vi­de you with com­pre­hen­si­ve infor­ma­ti­on about the safe­ty risks in your dai­ly rou­ti­ne. This semi­nar will also prepa­re you for ques­ti­ons about dis­cre­ti­on and eti­quet­te. For all nan­nies who are working now and tho­se who would like to work as a pro­fes­sio­nal high pro­fi­le nan­ny in ups­ca­led and end­an­ge­red households.
Security training for high profile nannies in vip households
SAFETY FIRST – Inten­si­ve secu­ri­ty trai­ning for high pro­fi­le nannies
This inten­si­ve safe­ty trai­ning will sen­si­ti­ze you to the spe­cial requi­re­ments of expo­sed fami­lies and pro­vi­de you with com­pre­hen­si­ve infor­ma­ti­on about the safe­ty risks within your dai­ly tasks. You will learn to act with fore­sight and to live up to the high respon­si­bi­li­ty of your job.
Seminar maternity nurses in private households
BABY LOVE – The mate­r­ni­ty nur­se seminar
Here we offer you a semi­nar that is per­fect­ly tail­o­red to the needs of pri­va­te child­ca­rers in fami­lies. Wieb­ke Mechau and Dr. Lud­wig Schmid will bring you up to date with their know-how and their many years of prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence in the field of home care for new­borns and babies and pro­fes­sio­nal work in pri­va­te households.
BABY MASSAGE – Evening seminar / workshop for nannies / matertniy nurses

Stu­dies show that babies who are mas­sa­ged regu­lar­ly cry less, sleep bet­ter, and gain weight. Mas­sa­ge helps babies beco­me awa­re of their bodies and sti­mu­la­tes neu­ro­lo­gi­cal deve­lo­p­ment. In addi­ti­on, the inten­si­ve time that par­ents con­scious­ly devo­te to their child­ren during the mas­sa­ge streng­thens the parent-child bond and helps them to get to know their babies bet­ter and to cor­rect­ly assess their beha­vi­or. This in turn helps to make ever­y­day fami­ly life more relaxed.

High profile nanny seminar to be back at full strenght.
YOU’VE GOT THE POWER – Unfold your pro­fes­sio­nal potential
This semi­nar is spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned for nan­nies, who alre­a­dy have many years of expe­ri­ence in pri­va­te house­holds and want to take time for them­sel­ves in order to unfold their power. You will be able to re-streng­then your per­so­na­li­ty. We will also focus on indi­vi­du­al topics of the par­ti­ci­pan­ts in a solu­ti­on-ori­en­ted way.

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