Seminar maternity nurses in private households

Pro­fes­sio­nal work as a mate­r­ni­ty nur­se in the pri­va­te household

The birth of a child is one of the most won­derful moments in the life of a woman and a fami­ly. Hol­ding a new­born baby for the first time crea­tes the deepest bon­ding that exists bet­ween mother and child. Out of respect for this inti­ma­cy, our goal is to send only well-qua­li­fied mate­r­ni­ty nan­nies. This semi­nar is meant for peo­p­le who are dedi­ca­ted to their your when working with new­borns and babies: nan­nies, edu­ca­tors and pedia­tric nur­ses who want to gain addi­tio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons and update their know­ledge. Here we offer you a semi­nar that is per­fect­ly tail­o­red to the needs of pri­va­te child­ca­rers in fami­lies. Wieb­ke Mechau and Dr. Lud­wig Schmid will bring you up to date with their know-how and their many years of prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence in the field of home care for new­borns and babies and pro­fes­sio­nal work in pri­va­te households.

Cour­se content

• Job pro­fi­le mate­r­ni­ty nan­ny – fun­da­men­tals for pro­fes­sio­nal working in the pri­va­te household
• The role of the mate­r­ni­ty nan­ny (dis­cre­ti­on, duties, gui­dance and sup­port of young parents)
• The right baby equip­ment for home and on the go
• The gent­le dai­ly rou­ti­ne with the baby: at home and while traveling
• Sleep (Why do babies sleep dif­fer­ent­ly? Is sleep trai­ning useful? Healt­hy sleep for the who­le family.)
• Breast­fee­ding or bot­t­le? How to sup­port the mother in her choice and ensu­re that the baby is opti­mal­ly nou­ris­hed (colic, breast­milk, return to work and breastfeeding)

Basic medi­cal know­ledge for the Mate­r­ni­ty Nanny

• check­ups; vac­ci­na­ti­ons and the main con­tents of a medi­ci­ne cabinet
• The most important child­hood dise­a­ses (reco­gni­ti­on and first measures)
• What to do in case of emergency?
• Baby blues – post­na­tal depression

Tar­get group
  • Nan­nies with work expe­ri­ence who want to update their knowledge

  • Edu­ca­tio­nal pro­fes­sio­nals who are not expe­ri­en­ced iin working in the pri­va­te household

  • Edu­ca­tio­nal pro­fes­sio­nals as well as nan­nies who don’t have expe­ri­ence in baby/newborn care

Lec­tu­rer: Wieb­ke Mechau
Wiebke Mechau is an experienced lecturer at N4YK academy
Lec­tu­rer: Wieb­ke Mechau

Wieb­ke Mechau is a trai­ned tea­cher. During her stu­dies she took care of mothers in the puer­peral peri­od as a dome­stic help. Sin­ce 1995 employ­ed full-time as Mate­r­ni­ty Nan­ny in pri­va­te house­holds. In addi­ti­on, she com­ple­ted a three-year anthro­po­so­phi­cal­ly ori­en­ted extra-occu­pa­tio­nal trai­ning in the field of art the­ra­py, psy­cho­lo­gy and holi­stic medi­ci­ne. With this she work­ed from 2001–2004 in a pri­va­te school for edu­ca­tio­nal assis­tance with autis­tic child­ren. Trai­ning as a Mate­r­ni­ty Prac­ti­tio­ner at the MNT Insti­tu­te in the UK. Lec­tu­rer for baby mas­sa­ge. Mem­ber of the Post­na­tal Sup­port Net­work and Pro Dou­la USA. Cer­ti­fied Post Par­tum Doula.

Lec­tu­rer: Dr. med. Lud­wig Schmid
Dr. Ludwig Schmitt is an experienced lecturer at N4YK academy
Lec­tu­rer: Dr. med. Lud­wig Schmid

Dr. Schmid works in the group prac­ti­ce for pedia­tri­ci­ans and ado­le­s­cents in Munich South. He studied/doctorate at the LMU/­TU-Munich and was seni­or phy­si­ci­an for many years with respon­si­bi­li­ty for the are­as of deve­lo­p­men­tal neu­ro­lo­gy, allergy/asthma out­pa­ti­ent cli­nic, kidney/headache con­sul­ta­ti­on and paed­ia­tric emer­gen­cy room. Dr. Schmid is an emer­gen­cy phy­si­ci­an, has advan­ced trai­ning in the are­as of basic psy­cho­so­ma­tic care, is an asth­ma trai­ner and ins­truc­tor for pedia­tric emer­gen­cy simu­la­ti­on training.


Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on as High Pro­fi­le Nanny

Many fami­lies sup­port their nan­ny in their desi­re for more edu­ca­ti­on. They pay for part or all of the cour­se and give her time off in order to be able to attend. If you would like to attend a semi­nar and are not sure how to pay for the fee, we will find a solu­ti­on. Just give us a call.

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