High profile nanny seminar to be back at full strenght.

YOU’VE GOT THE POWER — Time-out semi­nar for nannies

Unfold your own potential.

• The nan­ny as a team play­er: inte­gra­ti­on and confrontation
• The nan­ny as role model: How do you bring all roles tog­e­ther in one”?
• The nan­ny as a paren­ting part­ner: How does the rela­ti­onship with the par­ents beco­me trus­ting and alive?
• The nan­ny as a com­pa­n­ion in a sen­si­ti­ve pha­se of life. How to deal with young par­ents / first-time parents?
• How do I find the right balan­ce bet­ween distance and proximity?
• How do I get along well with the fami­ly? Say good­bye to the fami­ly and the children.
• Pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the new job
• Prin­ci­ples in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with par­ents: app­re­cia­ti­ve com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on even in con­flict situations
• Prin­ci­ples of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with child­ren: empa­thy with the child’s posi­ti­on, fin­ding and app­ly­ing age-appro­pria­te forms of communication
• Hand­ling fee­lings: Accom­pany­ing dif­fi­cult situa­tions and feelings
• Pro­fes­sio­nal deve­lo­p­ment: com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with heart


Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on as High Pro­fi­le Nanny

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    DO THE RIGHT THING – Safe­ty and beha­viour trai­ning for high pro­fi­le nannies

    SAFETY FIRST — Inten­si­ve secu­ri­ty trai­ning for high pro­fi­le nannies

    YOU’VE GOT THE POWER — Time-out semi­nar for nannies

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