Nanny / family
manager looking for
new position

The appli­cant is 27 years old and a state-rec­og­nized edu­ca­tor as well as a trained social assis­tant. We got to know her via Skype and met a young, com­mit­ted woman who found her call­ing and pas­sion in work­ing with chil­dren. She is cur­rent­ly work­ing in a day­care cen­ter as an edu­ca­tor for the very lit­tle ones in the U3 area. In order to make the dai­ly rou­tine of the chil­dren more indi­vid­ual and needs-ori­ent­ed, she would like to switch to pri­vate house­holds and work as a nanny. It is impor­tant to her to sup­port the youngest chil­dren indi­vid­u­al­ly and age-appro­pri­ate­ly and to demand that every child be picked up where it is.

The appli­cant is no stranger to the pri­vate house­hold, she has 13 years of expe­ri­ence as a babysit­ter in fam­i­lies and also looks after chil­dren with spe­cial needs. The appli­cant likes to be out­doors in her free time, is a hob­by dancer or trav­els the world. The can­di­date takes over all house­hold chores and likes to cook. She is look­ing for a full-time position in Berlin and has no driver’s license.

State-rec­og­nized edu­ca­tor, state-rec­og­nized social assistant
By appoint­ment, three months’ notice
40 hours Fulltime
Expe­ri­enced, no driver’s licence
Trav­el companionship

If you are interested in this candidate, simply submit this form.

    Data pro­tec­tion: We treat every inquiry as strict­ly con­fi­den­tial. We process and store your data only for the pur­pose of being able to make you a per­son­al offer. You can request the dele­tion of your data at any time.