The process of how to choose the right household staff. This is how we work.

The job placement

Our pla­ce­ment fee is a suc­cess-rela­ted fee, which is based on the annu­al gross inco­me of the per­son pla­ced. It is only paya­ble when you con­clude an employ­ment con­tract with the can­di­da­te we pro­po­se. The­re are no fur­ther pro­ces­sing fees bey­ond this.

How does a placement work?

Preliminary interview

Per­so­nal cont­act is very important to us. Only in this way can we gain a pre­cise impres­si­on of your fami­ly situa­ti­on and the indi­vi­du­al requi­re­ments of the appli­cant. After pla­cing the order, we will dis­cuss your spe­cial needs in a detail­ed tele­pho­ne con­ver­sa­ti­on and tog­e­ther we will draw up a detail­ed fami­ly pro­fi­le which will ser­ve as a basis for our search. This pro­fi­le will later be sent to the poten­ti­al can­di­da­tes anony­mously as initi­al infor­ma­ti­on about the position.

Candidate search

Accor­ding to the indi­vi­du­al fami­ly pro­fi­le, we look for an appli­cant who is spe­ci­al­ly sui­ted to your needs. We publish the job adver­ti­se­ment on our web­site and look for sui­ta­ble can­di­da­tes in our appli­cant pool. Usual­ly you will recei­ve the first appli­cant port­fo­li­os within a few days. If you are inte­res­ted, we will then arran­ge a first inter­view bet­ween you and the appli­cant. The first cont­act often takes place by pho­ne or Sky­pe. In a per­so­nal inter­view you can cla­ri­fy details of the posi­ti­on to be fil­led and you can quick­ly see whe­ther you like the appli­cant. The next step is then a test work and get­ting to know each other in detail. It is important for both par­ties to expe­ri­ence ever­y­day life tog­e­ther. Is the che­mis­try right? Does the nanny have a good rela­ti­onship with the child­ren? Do the basic atti­tu­des towards edu­ca­ti­on agree?

The employ­ment con­tract is con­cluded direct­ly bet­ween the appli­cant and the fami­ly. N4YK will glad­ly pro­vi­de you with a draft contract.
As long as the poli­ce cle­arance cer­ti­fi­ca­te and medi­cal cer­ti­fi­ca­te are not available, you should con­clude the employ­ment con­tract under reser­ve. After the con­clu­si­on of the employ­ment con­tract (ver­bal­ly or in wri­ting) the pla­ce­ment fee is due.

Placement fee

The agen­cy fee is cal­cu­la­ted from the annu­al gross inco­me mul­ti­pli­ed by the fee rate plus the legal value added tax (if appli­ca­ble). The fee rate is 18 % (in Ger­ma­ny and Ger­man-spea­king count­ries). In the case of a spe­cial qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on of the appli­cant desi­red by the cli­ent (e.g. for­eign lan­guages — nati­ve spea­k­er — , Montesso­ri, cura­ti­ve education/ergotherapy trai­ning) the fee rate is 20 %.
In the case of con­tract peri­ods of less than one year (e.g. mate­r­ni­ty nur­se, holi­day nanny) the fee rate is also 18 % of the order volu­me (in Ger­ma­ny and abroad).
(4) The pla­ce­ment fee for pla­ce­ments in non-Ger­man-spea­king count­ries is 2.5 month­ly net salaries.

Substitute placement

Upon taking up the posi­ti­on, you are entit­led to a sub­sti­tu­te pla­ce­ment for three months. During the enti­re pro­ba­tio­na­ry peri­od, we are hap­py to assist our cli­ents with advice and sup­port. It is important to allow the nanny an appro­pria­te trai­ning peri­od. She has to get used to the ever­y­day life of the fami­ly, get to know habits and rituals.

Usual­ly after 4 weeks one has a good fee­ling whe­ther it will work out with the nanny in the long run. Always come to us with any ques­ti­ons or dif­fi­cul­ties. Open com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is the best way to avo­id con­flicts. A sub­sti­tu­te pla­ce­ment will not take place if the gene­ral con­di­ti­ons have chan­ged in the mean­ti­me accor­ding to the fami­ly profile.

What can we do for your family happiness?



    Mate­r­ni­ty nurse

    Fami­ly management

    Hous­hold staff

    Per­so­nal assistant

    Seni­or care

    Plea­se cont­act me directly

    Data pro­tec­tion: We tre­at every inquiry as strict­ly con­fi­den­ti­al. We pro­cess and store your data only for the pur­po­se of being able to make you a per­so­nal offer. You can request us to dele­te your data at any time.

    More infor­ma­ti­on